BOOKS’ TRAVELS. International Panel Discussion | Iosefina Batto


An online event dedicated to the International Book Day celebrated on 23rd of April every year was held at the initiative of the Romanian Language and Cultural Center within Azerbaijan University of Languages, Baku, on April 21st 2022.

BOOKS’ TRAVELS is all about celebrating culture and books as well as authors and illustrators. It is an annual literary event that brings together students from the Romanian lectureships around the world for author talks, cultural panel discussions, book presentations and cultural exchanges.

During this international panel the young people were asked to reflect on the power of books and culture in their lives, and offered them a chance to actually take part in an international festival alongside with authors in this day-celebration of books and reading.

This 2nd edition of the event had as partners the Romanian lectureships established by the Romanian Language Institute under the Mnistry of Education in Romania in different universities around the world: Universite Libre of Brussels – ULB, Belgium, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Macedonia, „Adam Mickiewicz” University, Poznań, Poland, and Ankara University, Turkey. Special guest from Romania was Ars Poetica Association from Braila.

The students studying Romanian language within all these partner universities shared ideas about the books they presented and enchanted the audience by reading of reciting fragments from the books.

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