ESGA: Incidents in Transnistria

Yesterday, Transnistrian separatist leaders reported two blasts near the so-called Tiraspol Ministry of Security building.
Strongly dependent on the Russian Federation and Kremlin funding, the separatist territory is a focal point of Russia in the region, ensuring permanent control over state policy in Chisinau. In this context, Moscow’s persuasiveness is achieved through the presence of the Transnistrian Russian Troops Task Force in the separatist-controlled territory, which is viewed with concern by the international community.
Moldovan media reported that the explosions were caused by using two grenade launchers, with separatists in the Transnistrian region stating on Monday evening confirming that several blasts had taken place in the building of the Ministry of State Security.
The authorities in Chisinau expressed their position on this incident, considering that this event was intended, intending to destabilize the security of the Republic of Moldova:
„The Office of Reintegration Policy is concerned about the incident today in the city of Tiraspol. According to available information, unidentified people fired grenade launchers at the headquarters of the so-called security structure in the region. There are no casualties or injuries, according to preliminary data.
Today’s incident aims to create pretexts for straining the security situation in the Transnistrian region, which is not controlled by the constitutional authorities. In this context, the Office for Reintegration Policy calls for calm and, together with the competent national institutions, monitors the developments in this case” (
Oleg Beleakov, the co-chair of the Unified Control Commission, told TASS that the Transnistrian Peacekeeping Office is aware of what has happened in Tiraspol. Peacekeepers carry out their usual tasks. In the security zone, the situation is calm” (
The Russian propaganda reacted immediately to this event, the Russian political scientist Sergei Markov claiming that Romania and NATO planned the attack on Transnistria in order to annex the Republic of Moldova:
„Romania, with NATO support and the participation of the Ukrainian army, intends to conquer Transnistria and carry out mass political repression against all Russian supporters. This will put Russia in a challenging position. After the military operation, Romania plans the Anschluss of Moldova” (
At the same time, Igor Strelkov, former head of the so-called Transnistrian Ministry of Defence, said that „Romanian army officers have replaced Moldovan officers from all headquarters and all key positions”. He accused Romania of a secret plan to occupy the territory of the Republic of Moldova and Transnistria. Moreover, Viktor Vodolatsky, a deputy of the State Duma in Tiraspol, said that „it is impossible to allow the President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, and his Romanian curators, to start a new war on the territory of Transnistria” (
➡Today’s morning, new explosions took place in the Transnistrian separatist region, the targets being two telecommunications antennas, informs TVR.
Regarding this incident, the Intelligence and Security Service of the Republic of Moldova reacted in an official statement:
„In the context of the security situation in the Transnistrian region, the Intelligence and Security Service reports the following:
SIS monitors and informs beneficiaries in real-time of information, including policy options related to the ever-changing situation. The subjects presented to the decision-makers constitute information classified based on which official positions are formed and, if necessary, communicated to the general public.
At the same time, the institution has intensified its efforts to gather information relevant to the prevention of actions that may affect the security climate of the Republic of Moldova, including through proactive cooperation with national law enforcement and law enforcement institutions.
At the same time, we urge society to calm down and refrain from distributing information from unverified sources, especially those that incite hatred and war. Given the complexity of the situation, we rely on the responsibility and critical thinking of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova.
The communication on this subject will be carried out in a centralized manner by the public authorities of the Republic of Moldova ” (
The security experts from the Republic of Moldova think that “they want to involve Moldova in the war and, we must admit, there are many who are willing. At the current military and intellectual capabilities of Moldova, we could serve as an illustration without casualties and effort for any propaganda story ”(
➡The President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, convened today the meeting of the Supreme Security Council in connection with the incidents in the Transnistrian region. Afterwards, the head of state spoke about security in the region during a press briefing.
„What is happening is an escalation of tensions. Our analyzes show that there are tensions between different forces in the Transnistrian region, interested in destabilizing the situation, which creates risks for the Republic of Moldova. We condemn the attempts to bring the Republic of Moldova into conflict.
The Supreme Security Council noted the escalation facts and recommended to public institutions:
1. Increasing the intensity of traffic checks in the vicinity of the security zone;
2. Increasing the intensity of patrols and checks on the territory of the Republic of Moldova and at the border;
3. Increase the level of alert regarding the security of critical infrastructure objectives.
4. Increasing the alert level of all institutions responsible for ensuring public order and security

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